Red Clay Educators Contact

Privacy Policy

Personal Information

If you use the contact form, the personal information you provide in the form (i.e. name, email address, phone number, mailing address, and all other form responses) will be sent via email directly to Dr. Sonja Cherry‑Paul at Red Clay Educators and saved in the private database of this website. Your form responses are not collected by any third-parties.

Local Storage

This site uses your browser’s local storage to maintain your preference for light mode or dark mode between pages. This data does not leave your computer.


This site also uses Google Analytics in order to track how many people are using the site. It will only do this if you click “Accept” on the bar that appears at the bottom of the site. Google Analytics uses cookies to gauge website statistics. This may include information on what device and web browser you are using, what country you are from, how long you’ve visited for, and how many pages you visited on this website.

Learn more about Google’s privacy policy here. If you wish to not have your site activity be collected by Google Analytics, please follow the instructions listed here.